Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Limo drivers know the local area inside and out. It’s how they know the best routes to get you and your party from Point A to Point B quickly and easily. Since they know the area well, spend a little bit of your trip to ask about the area. For instance, do you really know what’s around your hotel? What about some local history? Did you even realize what types of landmarks you were currently passing? Your driver’s local knowledge covers all this and more.

Let You Know About Events

The Las Vegas area has events going on every month, but unless you’re a local, you might not know about some of the less publicized ones. Free concerts, cultural events and special exhibits might make your visit even more memorable, but only if you know about them. Ask your driver about any current events in the area. They’ll be able to let you know about them and the best way to get there.

Uncover New Places To Visit

As you’re riding, your driver’s local knowledge could help you make plans for the rest of your visit. Odds are, you’ve hired a limo for the day or evening for something special, but what about the remainder of your stay? Ask your driver to point out parks, museums, historic sights and fun things to do. If you let them know what you’re interested in, they’ll be able to give you a personalized list of places to visit.

Find The Best Routes

For most people, the limo is just for a single day instead of the entire visit. For the rest of the time, you’ll have to try and figure out the best ways to get around. If you’re a tourist, you’ll likely be guided to just the major, congested areas. Forget relying solely on GPS. Let your driver’s local knowledge help you navigate the area like a pro. Learn which side roads are best to avoid traffic or the quickest ways to get to specific places in the area.

Learn The Best Restaurants

Every visitor’s guide gives you a list of restaurants, but which ones are really the best? All it takes is a quick question to your driver and you learn which restaurants actually are the best in the area. Find hidden dives and diners. Go beyond chains and the 5-star recommendations. Make your trip exciting and try something new.

Get Insight On Traffic

You’re new and probably have no idea when and where traffic is the worst. Your driver’s local knowledge is invaluable here. They’re trained to know how to avoid the worst traffic whenever possible. They’ll happily let you know what areas to avoid and when. They’ll also give you the best ways around congested areas. Should you have to venture out without the limo, hopefully you won’t spend hours stuck in traffic.

Benefit From Your Driver’s Local Knowledge

Your driver’s local knowledge is an extra perk you get whenever your hire a limo. They don’t have to just sit quietly in the driver’s seat. Instead, ask your driver a few questions. Think of it as a free amenity. Of course, don’t forget to tip the driver for their excellent service and advice. Most importantly, just enjoy your ride and your trip.

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